Gender & Sexuality Studies

Gender and Sexuality Studies explores the cultural, political and literary representations of gender throughout history. A Master’s in Gender and Sexuality Studies (MA) will investigate and evaluate identity formations, unravelling assertions of gender and sexual ‘norms’. Students will learn how society, laws, and social expectations have perpetuated a power structure along gender and sexual lines. Gender and Sexuality students will investigate gender representations in societies throughout the world, as well as throughout history. Students will question and challenge gender power and privilege, through a multidisciplinary lens; bringing in cultural analysis, sociology, literature, history and politics. Master’s students will be able to participate in a broad range of interesting topics, such as ‘Psychology of Women’, ‘The Intersection of Inequality, Education and Gender in South Africa Townships’, ‘Reproductive and Gender Health’, and ‘’Race’ and Ethnicity in British Society’. Graduates of Gender and Sexuality studies go onto pursue careers in academia, teaching, heath and welfare, media writing or advertising.

Gender & Sexuality Studies