Sociology and Anthropology are twin disciplines that both study of society, culture, and human beings. Socio-cultural anthropologists mainly use qualitative methods – such as interviews, photography, and long-term participant observation – to better understand a particular social context as an insider would. Biological anthropologists – on the other hand – use the empirical techniques of natural science to study human beings and other primates as organisms. Sociologists have traditionally favoured the use of quantitative statistical tools to model social trends, although most contemporary sociologists use a wide variety of different techniques. Due to their shared subject matter, Anthropology and Sociology today have more in common than they distinguish them. The career prospects of an Anthropology or Sociology MA or MRes vary according to which branch of the discipline you choose to specialise within. Socio-cultural Anthropology is an excellent avenue for moving into international development, heritage, or journalism, while biological anthropologists often move forward into pathology or conservation. Sociology qualifications are in demand with market research, polling or survey companies, as well as in government. Masters in all these disciplines offer a firm basis for doctoral study.