There are almost 7,000 distinct languages spoken in the world, and the study of Language is no less varied a field. Academic degrees in Languages – both at undergraduate and graduate levels – incorporate practicing the language in question, both orally and in writing, with a range of other subjects. Linguistics is the study of language itself - how it works, how it is used and how it changes over time - drawing extensively from psychology and neurology in the process. Most language degrees also include modules of literary and media studies – immersing the student in the culture, and history of the language they are studying. Taken together, these aspects to the study of Languages create a profoundly holistic and rigorous programme of study. Given this breadth, a Masters (an MA) in Spanish, Hindi, English, Mandarin, French, Russian or any other language is an excellent way not just to build fluency in that language, but to understand the culture to which it belongs more deeply, and to acquire a host of critical and research skills. As such, translation services and teaching are only a relatively minor destination for those who hold language degrees – foreign policy, development, advertising, or the media are common destinations.